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Workers’ Compensation

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Missouri Sunset

Health insurance usually won’t pay if you get hurt at work

Posted February 5, 2021
Your employer carries insurance to protect you in addition to offering insurance as a benefit. Whether you have an employee-sponsored health insurance policy or purchased your plan off of the Marketplace, you probably think that your health insurance will cover the cost of any injuries or illnesses you might have.While insurance companies can no...
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Injury cause and prevention for manufacturing workers

Posted February 4, 2021
Workers’ compensation benefits in Missouri provide financial compensation for workers who injure themselves on the job. These benefits allow workers to support themselves financially while recovering from their injuries. Workers’ compensation benefits also make it unnecessary in most cases for workers to file a lawsuit against their employers following an accident. For workers in...
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Types of employee workplace protection and insurance

Posted September 18, 2020
Small business owners in Missouri should understand the difference between health insurance and workers’ compensation insurance. Workers’ compensation insurance provides financial protection for workers who receive injuries or are subjected to illnesses while working on the job. Health insurance benefits are provided by employers to help employees with the cost of preventative medical care...
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Workers’ compensation: Why you need a lawyer

Posted September 11, 2020
Any injury or illness related to your employment is one that could trigger a workers’ compensation claim. However, just because you believe you’re entitled to workers’ compensation benefits doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll receive them. There’s a lot that can go wrong during the claims process.It’s your hope that everything goes as planned, but if...
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The workers’ comp benefits that a victim could receive

Posted July 29, 2020
Workers, especially construction workers, are all too liable to be injured on the job. Fortunately, there is the workers’ compensation program to cover most of their losses. Missouri residents should know what sort of hazards are faced by construction workers and what benefits could be paid out based on the severity of the injuries...
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10 Ways to avoid injury or illness at your Missouri nursing job

Wash your handsThe bottom line is that washing your hands thoroughly is the best defense against the spread of infection. Wash your hands after every patient contact.Develop a good self care routineEat healthily and exercise. Not only are you setting a good example for your patients, but you’re also protecting yourself from illness and...
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