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Missouri Sunset

Workers’ comp vs. disability

Posted April 20, 2023
Workers’ compensation and disability insurance protect you from injuries incurred on the job. However, there are critical differences between the two.Here are these policies’ key similarities and differences so you know the best options.What is workers’ comp?Workers’ comp is insurance offered by your employer. When you become sick or injured while performing work-related activities,...
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How do distractions lead to serious accidents on highways?

Posted November 15, 2022
While driving alongside a truck or another vehicle on a busy highway, you may feel particularly at risk for an accident.Taking into consideration how risky distractions are and why they happen can help you if you are suffering after a crash.Eyes and ears of the surrounding trafficAccording to the Centers for Disease Control and...
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Work-related back injury? Follow these three steps

Posted February 19, 2022
Trauma to your neck or back is a common work-related injury. Back injuries occur in many ways, including slips and falls, lifting heavy materials, standing or bending for extended periods of time or through repetitive motions that strain your muscles and joints.Injuries to your neck and back can be severe and significantly impact your...
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The increased risk of plantar fasciitis among nurses

Posted May 3, 2021
Throughout Missouri, the state’s medical industry depends on hard-working nurses. If you’re a nurse, it’s no secret that this job involves being on your feet for long periods. Considering that, many people working in this profession suffer from a condition known as plantar fasciitis. Here’s a closer look at this condition and why so...
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Injuries that health care workers routinely experience

Posted November 18, 2020
Anyone who works to protect or improve a person’s health generally qualifies as a health care worker. For instance, both the paramedic who drove you to a Missouri hospital and the doctor who treated you there are health care workers. These individuals tend to face a multitude of risks to their physical and mental...
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Common injuries sustained by metal and machine shop workers

Posted October 15, 2020
Machine and metal shop workers in Missouri spend each day in environments that pose more risks of injury than many other professions in the state. Because of this, these workers need to exercise caution and remain alert each minute of the workday.Fires, chemical spills and sharp tools are all counted among the list of...
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