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Missouri Sunset

Top Myths About Workers’ Compensation Claims Debunked

Posted July 25, 2024
Those injured at work have many questions and concerns about their rights and options. Workers’ compensation is available to injured employees in nearly any occupation, as long as an employer has five or more employees—or for a single employee in the construction industry. There were nearly 13,000 workers’ compensation claims in Missouri in 2023,...
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What to Know About Whiplash and Car Accidents

Posted July 15, 2024
No car accident injury receives as much attention and speculation as whiplash, usually because insurance companies dispute whiplash claims more than any other injury. Those who’ve experienced the painful and often long-term effects of whiplash know just how real and its seriousness. More than two million Americans experience whiplash every year, with car accidents...
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Can Dash Cam Footage Be Used in Court?

Posted July 7, 2024
Eyewitness testimony has long been key evidence used in court, including in St. Louis car accident claims; however, eyewitnesses sometimes have bias, misconceptions, and inaccurate memories of critical events, whereas video footage does not. Video—or digital images—of a car accident in progress tells the story of what occurred without the problems of human perception....
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What Is Subrogation?

Posted July 1, 2024
The weeks and months after a serious accident or personal injury may be filled with unfamiliar terms and processes, adding to the stress and emotional toll of the injury. Sometimes “subrogation” is one of the terms bandied about in the process of an injury claim. So, what is subrogation and how does it impact...
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Do I Have to Go to Court for a Missouri Car Accident?

Posted June 20, 2024
Car accidents are painful and traumatic experiences, and often the trauma continues long past the accident date as the injury victims navigate the insurance system and file claims for compensation for their property damage, medical expenses, lost income, and pain and suffering. The last thing a car accident victim usually wants is to have...
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What Questions Should I Ask My Missouri Personal Injury Lawyer?

Posted June 10, 2024
Most good personal injury attorneys offer free consultations to prospective clients. During this initial consultation, they hear the details of your case and may examine any evidence you brought with you, such as a police or accident report, photos, or your medical records. However, it’s important to recognize that this is also your chance...
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