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Injuries that health care workers routinely experience

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Posted on November 18, 2020

Anyone who works to protect or improve a person’s health generally qualifies as a health care worker. For instance, both the paramedic who drove you to a Missouri hospital and the doctor who treated you there are health care workers. These individuals tend to face a multitude of risks to their physical and mental health on the job each day.

Musculoskeletal injuries are fairly common

Overall, health care workers are seven times more likely to experience musculoskeletal injuries compared to those who work in other fields. Paramedics and nurses are most likely to experience these types of health issues because they are most likely to handle patients.

Back injuries can occur

Those who work in hospitals or similar settings are often required to reach, twist or bend to assist patients. This can put unnatural pressure on the back and spine that may eventually lead to chronic pain. Individuals who are frequently asked to move or lift patients could experience slipped discs or other issues that may take some time to recover from.

It is easy to get poked or burned

It isn’t uncommon for a paramedic or other rescue professional to work around buildings that are on fire. Therefore, they generally face a higher likelihood of experiencing minor to moderate burns throughout the course of a shift. Individuals who work in a hospital or in an operating room are frequently exposed to sharp objects that could break their skin. It is worth noting that an open wound could become infected if it isn’t sterilized and treated in a timely manner.

Whether you are hurt in a hospital, on a factory floor or while delivering packages for your employer, you might be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. These benefits may help pay for medication, surgical procedures or other treatment needed to recover from a workplace injury. An attorney may be able to help you file a claim or inquire about your claim after it has been filed.