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What Are Missouri Auto Insurance Requirements?

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Posted on April 20, 2024

Most states in the U.S. require drivers to carry at least the minimum car insurance coverage to register a vehicle and legally drive (New Hampshire and Virginia are exceptions). Driving comes with inherent risks. A state’s insurance laws help ensure that drivers have the means to compensate car accident injury victims.

Like other states, Missouri laws require motorists to carry car auto insurance with at least the minimum in property damage and bodily injury liability coverage. Drivers must have proof of up-to-date insurance coverage in their vehicles at all times or they could receive a citation.

If you are a Missouri resident, you should know Missouri’s auto insurance requirements and your coverage options.

auto insurance laws missouri

Missouri’s Auto Insurance Laws

Missouri requires drivers to provide evidence of their auto insurance coverage to register or re-register a vehicle. Missouri’s minimum insurance requirements are what’s sometimes called the “25/50/25” policy which is as follows:

  • $25,000 per person in bodily injury coverage per accident
  • $50,000 total per accident for bodily injury (in the case of multiple injury victims)
  • $25,000 in property damage coverage per accident

The above policy is called a “split limit” policy because it splits the coverage into three different categories: per person, per accident, and property damage.

It’s important to note that Missouri’s minimum insurance requirements cover only the other party’s damages in an accident involving more than one vehicle. Missouri is a fault-based insurance state requiring car accident victims to file claims against the at-fault party, or the driver who caused the accident.

Non-residents driving in Missouri must meet the insurance requirements of the state in which they reside or where they’ve registered their vehicle.

What Are the Penalties for Lapsed Auto Insurance Coverage In Missouri?

If a driver fails to provide proof of insurance to law enforcement after a traffic violation, they may be issued a ticket and an order to provide proof of insurance when they pay the fine. However, if they don’t have proof of insurance because they’ve allowed their policy to lapse or they’ve failed to obtain the minimum required insurance, they face possible license suspension. Under Missouri Law, a driver’s license may be suspended until they obtain an auto insurance policy, provide proof of coverage, and pay a $20 reinstatement fee. For a second offense within two years, there is a 90-day required license suspension before they are allowed reinstatement upon proof of insurance. A third or subsequent lapse results in a mandatory one-year license suspension.

Should I Purchase Additional Auto Insurance Coverage?

The minimum required liability limit for Missouri auto insurance isn’t always enough to cover damages, especially with today’s rising medical costs. For an additional monthly premium, Missouri drivers may add important coverage to their policies. Underinsured/uninsured motorist coverage provides protection against an accident in which you or a loved one is seriously injured and face damages that exceed the at-fault driver’s minimum insurance coverage or in the event of an accident with an uninsured motorist. In these cases, you can claim compensation from your own insurance company under the additional coverage.

Some Missouri drivers also elect to add additional collision insurance. Lenders typically require this additional coverage if a driver borrows money to purchase a car. Collision insurance covers repairs or replacement costs to a damaged vehicle after an accident.