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Filing a workers’ compensation claim and the meaning of MMI

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Posted on April 27, 2020

If you suffer an on-the-job injury, you have the right to file a claim for workers’ compensation benefits.

Some injuries are severe and may result in disability at some level. If so, you may face MMI with your claim for benefits. What does this mean and how will it affect your ability to return to work?

Steps to a claim

Whether you cut your finger working with a piece of equipment, fell from a ladder or developed a repetitive motion injury over time, there are workplace injuries of all kinds, at all levels, that may qualify you for workers’ compensation benefits. You should first seek medical attention, then report the injury to your supervisor in writing so that an official record exists.

Your supervisor should give you a workers’ compensation claim form. The information you provide on that form will include the type of injury you have, the date, location and time of day it occurred, how the injury happened and the names of anyone else involved in the incident.

What to expect

The workers’ compensation benefits you receive should be sufficient to cover your current medical expenses and any ongoing care if required. Coverage extends to costs associated with medical devices, such as a wheelchair or walker and transportation to and from medical appointments.

About disability and MMI

Your injury may have resulted in temporary or permanent disability and the benefits you receive will depend on the level of disability. For example, you may be able to return to work but cannot perform all aspects of your previous job. If you receive less than full pay because of your reduced duties, workers’ compensation benefits could help fill the gap.

The benefits will continue until you can resume full-time employment or until a physician confirms that you have reached maximum medical improvement, or MMI. This means that your injuries will not improve and will not respond to further treatment. If the workplace accident should leave you with a permanent disability, you may qualify to receive benefits for life.