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Florissant Truck Accident Attorneys

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The Floyd Law Firm can help you get the compensation you deserve. Our Florissant truck accident attorneys have a proven track record of success in truck accident cases, and we will fight to get you the maximum amount of money possible.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a truck accident, you may be entitled to compensation. Truck accidents can cause serious injuries, including death, and the costs of medical care lost wages, and pain and suffering can be overwhelming.

We understand that you may be feeling overwhelmed and stressed after a truck accident. We are here to help you through this difficult time. We will work with you to gather evidence, build your case, and negotiate with the insurance company. We will also represent you in court if necessary. Contact our team for a free case review and consultation to determine if your Missouri truck accident case would be eligible for compensation. Call (314) 863-4114 or book your appointment online today.

How Much Can I Recover In My Florissant Truck Accident Case?

When determining the potential recovery in a Florissant truck accident case, providing specific estimates is challenging. Each cause is unique and the amount of compensation depends largely on the specifics of your accident.

A reputable law firm, like The Floyd Law Firm, understands the complexity of individual cases and will not give premature estimates. Instead, they will carefully listen to the unique details of your case and thoroughly assess the severity of your injuries and damages.

Generally, the more severe your injuries and damages, the higher the likelihood of receiving more compensation. It is best to consult with a qualified Florissant truck accident attorney who can provide an informed evaluation based on the circumstances of your truck accident case.

How Long Do I Have To Recover Damages In A Florissant Trucking Accident Case?

In Missouri, the statute of limitations for personal injury cases is typically five years, indicating the timeframe within which a legal claim must be filed following an injury-causing incident like a truck accident. However, this timeframe can vary depending on the specifics of your accident– speak with a Florissant truck accident attorney to learn more.

Determining Liability In A Truck Accident

The answer to this depends on the specific circumstances involved in your case. As the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSR) dictate, commercial trucking organizations who lease trucks to drivers must perform regular maintenance on these trucks on the drivers’ behalf.

Therefore, the commercial company may be liable if the commercial truck accident was attributable to a lack of maintenance. If the driver’s error was the cause of the accident, then the driver may be held responsible. Additionally, whether or not the driver was driving on or off the clock may also affect the driver’s liability.

As determining liability for trucking accidents can become complex quickly, it’s important to engage the services of a trusted Florissant truck accident lawyer like those at The Floyd Law Firm.

Let The Floyd Law Firm Fight For You

A truck accident can be a serious and life-changing occurrence for you or a loved one. That’s why engaging the services of a trusted Florissant truck accident attorney like Walter and Mark Floyd is critical.

Since Walter founded Floyd Law in 1959, we have consistently committed to the success of our clients. And in the decades since, that commitment to client service and personalized attention has remained strong.

Get in touch with us at (314) 863-4114 to book your no-obligation case review or schedule your appointment online today.